Saturday, December 04, 2010

Facebook cartoon profile photo: A bogus campaign?

It feels nice to participate in worthy causes. We are all humans and feel compassionate particularly when it involves the children.
Recently thousands--if not millions of Facebook users--changed their Facebook profile photo to their favorite cartoon characters.
This was due to the campaign, whose origin could not be searched.
Those who did change to cartoon profile photo wrote this on their wall status:
"Change your facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. Until Monday (December 6), there should be no human faces on facebook, but a stash of memories. This is for eliminating violence against children."
The message went viral. It even became a news item on TV and newspapers.
However, according to a report, there is no such activity that is related to violence against children that is happening during that time.
Many Filipino Facebook users took it on a positive light, to raise awareness for children's rights.
On the one hand, it raises the issue how easily people will believe anything they see around without giving it a thought.
How can a change of profile photo actually help a child in distress?
Click here for more info and watch the video.

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