Friday, December 10, 2010

Sex Facts

Here are some truths about across all species from OMG Facts Sex.
A rhinoceros can ejaculate 10 times in a half-hour lovemaking session.
Female chimps can masturbate.
Since the 1940s the percent of married women who were unfaithful has gone from 26% to around 40%.
Guevedoces is a rare condition where you are born as an anatomical female but develop a penis and testes by age 12.
Taphephilia: getting turned on by the idea of being buried alive.
Marilyn Monroe was paid only $50 for her 1949 nude calendar photo.
Charlie Chaplin had to pay child support for a child that wasn’t even his.
Cleopatra not only slept with Julius Caesar and Marc Antony, but she also married two of her brothers.
Orgies were originally religious events.
Men have 4-5 erections during the REM stage of sleep.
55% of lesbians have heterosexual dreams.
30% of U.S. males have had a homosexual encounter.
An aroused man’s testes increase by 50%.
Only 48% of men say their wives are skilled lovers.
Only 10% of Cosmo readers say they orgasmed the first time they had sex.
66% of runners say they have thought about sex while running.
30% of women over 80 still have sex.
There are more one million full-time prostitutes currently in the U.S.
A woman’s least favorite spot for sex is the car.
⅘ of Playboy readers think they’re good at sex. (That's a whopping 80%!)
1 in 4 women can’t name all of their past lovers.
70% of people have fantasized about someone else while having sex.
Nearly a quarter of mental health professionals have had sexual contact with their patients.
Almost ⅔ of women have faked an orgasm.
20% of women with live-in boyfriends have another sex partner.
Autophagy: eating your own flesh (often as a sexual fetish).
Otters can get herpes.
Fleas begin sex immediately after feasting on rabbit’s blood.
Rasputin was famous for having a 33 centimeter (13 inch) penis.
Condoms as we know them didn’t appear until 1878.
Mercury used to be used to treat syphilis.
The punishment for bestiality in the Middle Ages was for both you AND your “partner” to be burned at the stake.
18 was the “peak marriage age” in the 1950s.
Pope Innocent VIII fathered 2 illegitimate children.
Leonardo da Vinci was bi (probably).
Dendrophilia: preferring trees as sex partners instead of humans.
Formicophilia: Fetish for having insects crawl on your genitals.
Emperor Nero used to dress up young boys in his wife’s clothes to have sex with them.
The Egyptian Book of the Dead contains the first known written condemnation of masturbation.
Hamsters can have sex up to 75 times a day.

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