Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stuxnet virus: Russia warns of "Iranian Chernobyl"

Western intelligence said that Iran had been warned by Russian nuclear experts of a possible Chernobyl-style nuclear explosion in the country's controversial Bushehr reactor due to the damage brought about by the mysterious Stuxnet virus, The Telegraph reported on 17 January.
As Russian nuclear scientists assist Iran in its attempt to activate the first nuclear power complex at the Gulf port, they raised serious concerns on the massive damage to the computer systems by the mysterious Stuxnet virus.
The computer virus was discovered last year. It is widely believed to be the result of a sophisticated US-Israeli cyber attack.
The Kremlin was advised by the Russian scientists that Iran could be facing "another Chernobyl" if they were forced to comply with the deadline to activate the plant this coming summer.
Iran pushes for the deadline set last year and argued that any delay would be a blow to the country's prestige.
The nuclear plant had long been delayed. It was first commissioned in the 70s by the Shah.
The Bushehr reactor is expected to generate its first electricity for the country's national grid this summer. The first nuclear rods were loaded in to the reactor by the Russians last October.
More details in this link.

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