Thursday, May 05, 2011

What do Muslims say about Bin Laden's death?

Here is a YouTube video showing the mixed reactions of the people of Islamic faith all over the globe with regard to the death of Al Qaeda's leader Osama Bin Laden. Some Muslims felt relieved while others were skeptical about the news.
New York-based Pakistani Faisal said, "Hundred percent of the people, they are not sure that he is dead. They want to see, see the body, you know?"
In Yemen, Mohammad denounced the killing and said, "We only strengthen those who supported him."
It was reported in various media sites that aside from the infamous leader, some of his children and one aide perished in the attack carried out by the US Navy Seals.
Other reactions from the people of the Muslim faith, "If he is really dead, and they killed him as they claimed they did, a thousand Osama Bin Ladens will appear."
A man named Saleh said, "If he was from Al Qaeda and was a terrorist, killing him was permissible. If they have evidence that he was a terrorist, then we hate them all."
A man from Kyrgyzstan where majority are Muslims said, "You can't hate Islam just because of Bin Laden but you can't also hope that terrorism will disappear because of Bin Laden's death."
Meanwhile, 56 percent of Americans want their government to release a picture of the body of the killed leader, according to a CNN poll.
On the other hand, 39 percent of the respondents say they do not want the photo to be made public.
US officials earlier said that facial recognition technology and the DNA results are evidences that Bin Laden is dead.
Details of this report here.

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