Monday, March 28, 2011

Post-quake Japan: 13 volcanoes increase activity, Scientists urge observation for up to 2 months

More than two weeks after the triple disasters flattened Japan, the devastated country, while trying every effort to rebuild itself, has to face another challenge—the increased activity of its 13 volcanoes.
Japanese language news article in MSN reported that tremors near Mount Fuji, Mount Hakone and Mount Yake had been felt even until 25 March.
An English translation of the above story said that there is renewed activity of at least 13 volcanoes according to the Meteorological Society of Japan.
Shizuoka University’s volcanologist Makoto Oyama said, "As a result of the Great Earthquake, the strain in many regions of the Earth's crust have been released.
"On the other hand, strains have accumulated in other regions and unfortunately the Earth's crust under the whole of eastern Japan is now in an unstable condition."
Careful observation of these volcanoes for one to two months is strongly advised by specialists.
The names of the active volcanoes are:
1. Mount Nikko Shirane (日光白根山) near Nikko in Tochigi Prefecture

2. Mount Fuji (富士山) between Yamanashi and Shizuoka Prefectures (pretty close to just about anywhere in the Greater Tokyo Area)

3. Mount Hakone (箱根山) in Kanagawa Prefecture

4. Mount Yake (焼岳) between Nagano and Gifu Prefectures

5. Mount Norikura (乗鞍岳) also between Nagano and Gifu Prefectures

6. Izu Ōshima (伊豆大島) a volcanic island near Tokyo

7. Niijima (新島) another volcanic island just south of Izu Oshima

8. Kouzushima (神津島) another volcanic island on the same chain

9. Mount Tsurumi/Mount Garan (鶴見岳・伽藍岳) in Oita Prefecture in Kyushu

10. Mount Kujuu (九重山) also in Oita Prefecture

11. Mount Aso (阿蘇山) in Kumamoto Prefecture

12. Nakanoshima (中之島) in the Nanseishoto island chain off Kyushu

13. Suwanosejima (諏訪之瀬島) in the same Nanseishoto island chain
To see the location map of these volcanoes in relation to the Fukushima nuclear plant and details of this report, click here.

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