Thursday, June 16, 2011

World's first floating nuclear plant being built by Russia

Nuclear reactors
Just when the world is beginning to stay away from nuclear energy, Russia is building what could be the first floating nuclear reactor in the world.
The attached YouTube video shows one of the eight floating nuclear reactors being built in St. Petersburg, with each reactor costing US$336 million, Al Jazeera said.
Receiving criticisms from environmentalists, each nuclear plant can supply electricity to 45,000 people and will have the ability to transform sea water into fresh water.
Already one of the world's major gas and oil providers, this technology may well expand Russia's global energy supremacy.
When completed next year, the first plant will be deployed in Russia's Far East, the Kamchatka Peninsula, north of Japan.
Greenpeace expressed its concern over the economic viability of the project saying that its cost of production is 40 percent more expensive than the traditional plants.
Algeria, China and Indonesia have shown interest in the plants.
On the other hand, countries like Germany, Italy and Japan are turning away from nuclear energy.
Watch the attached YouTube video.
Details of this report here.

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